Support the CLF’s core programs- which help enrich the lives of over 2,200 Youth and Families coming from underserved neighborhoods in L.A. County annually…

Your Contribution in any amount will go directly to fund our programs for underserved youth and families in L.A. & will directly and powerfully impact all four of the CLF’s Program components:

  • Camp for All Wilderness Camps and Surf Camps

  • Care through College-Student Mentorships & Scholarships

  • Project Angel Wings Holiday Events, Toy Give-Aways & Programs

Our Mission: The Children’s Lifesaving Foundation (CLF) is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization, dedicated to transforming the lives of underserved, BIPOC youth and houseless families living in shelters and transitional housing in Los Angeles through a unique approach of providing outdoor education through amazing Summer and Surf Camps, inspiring Holiday Events and awesome Field Trips in and around Los Angeles, and Educational Assistance and Scholarships for youth through to college-age. We also provided Emergency Funding during the COVID-19 crisis to the families in our Vita Network, and will continue this when needed, and throughout the holiday season…

You may also send a check to us here:

The Children’s Lifesaving Foundation

1112 Montana Avenue-#534

Santa Monica, CA-90403

Donate with confidence: The CLF is a 2024 Platinum-Level participant on Candid, which is their highest level of transparency

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