Care trough College: A Great Dream Mentor Workshop!

Thank you SO MUCH to Autumn Chiklis and Ryan Ole Hass-our incredible speakers-and our great friends at the Capital One, for letting us use the Lifestyle Lab at the Capital One Café in Santa Monica on November 12th (And for the awesome CPK 🍕!) Autumn is an actress, producer and novelist, and her first book, Smothered, is being made into a TV show with PopTV! She spoke about working as a child actress from the ages of 7 to 14, and how she found her own voice as a writer.

Ryan is a very successful realtor in Los Angeles, and is the upcoming, 2020 President of the Greater Los Angeles Association of Realtors...He spoke very movingly and candidly about his childhood, being raised by his single- mom and amazing grandmother, how he developed his work ethic, and how mental health and life balance should be a priority in everyone’s lives, especially those of young adults and students...Thank you so much to both of these wonderful speakers…


Pre-Thankgiving Vita Network Family Night in Santa Monica!


The Holidays Are Coming: Get Your Company Involved!