Summer C-I-T Program-Accepting Applications NOW!

The Children’s Lifesaving Foundation is SO Excited to announce that we are now accepting applications for for our TEEN SUMMER CAMP COUNSELOR-In-TRAINING PROGRAM! Local high school freshman through senior year high school age students are invited to apply. Spots are limited! This is a really great way for your teen to earn valuable community service hours, and enjoy a truly life-changing summer experience , volunteering with the wonderful youth we serve. Get your application and more FAQs and info now, just go right HERE! (There is a required donation to cover meals and fees, and can also be paid in two easy installments!)

CLF C-I-T Flier-Summer 2019 PNG.png

Let's Give You Some Credit! Great Credit Workshop at Capital One Cafe in Santa Monica...


Happy Mother' Day Event at the Capital One Cafe!