Happy New Year & Say Goodbye to 202O with the CLF!

Dear Friends:

As this very difficult year comes to an end, we would like to wish you and your wonderful families a Safe, Healthy and Happy New Year.

We would also like to thank everyone who sent toys through our Amazon Smile Wish List, and who gave directly to our CLF Emergency Holiday Family Fund for COVID-19 Relief these past few months! You were heroic this holiday season, and we are so grateful. Our Program Director Sean was also able to go down to the shelters and agencies like Homeboy Industries directly, to drop off toys donated by YOU, JAKKs Pacific, Action-Agape, A+ E Networks, and a wonderful new Silicone Beach Networking Group. OSEA Malibu donated incredible gift bags filled with OSEA and other high-end beauty products for the moms and teen girls in our Vita Network. We also distributed them to other young women in need in LA County through our partner organizations. A new friend, Dari Silverman, actually opened up her kid's and baby clothing store She's the One in Santa Monica (which is sadly closing this year) to the families in our Vita Network to shop to their heart's content, and two days before Christmas (!) We have had a very busy, heart-felt and fulfilling Holiday Season...

This past month, also with your amazing help, we were able to give a $1000 check to each of the adopted families in our Vita Network of families- for the third time since April! Additionally, we gave a second round of $500 scholarships to the youth in our Care through College Program-along with wonderful presents and gift cards for the teens and young children. Many have told us that these funds from our Step Forward Emergency Family Fund were the reason they were able to stay in their apartments this year."You all have saved our lives this year," one young woman recently told Francesca over this past weekend, when she was hand-delivering checks and scholarships to her and her family.

This has been a truly unforgettable year, but these challenges have only made our mission stronger, as we have had to assist families most affected by this COVID-19 Pandemic. We are committed to helping through the Spring of 2021, and hope to include more families along the way. Please note: From IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig "The IRS reminds people there's a new provision that allows for up to $300 in cash donations to qualifying organizations to be deducted from income. We encourage people to explore this option to help deserving tax-exempt organizations – and the people and causes they serve."

Here are Two Wonderful Ways to Say Goodbye in Style to 2020 & BENEFIT THE CLF:



By making a year end tax-deductible gift to the Children’s Lifesaving Foundation, you will contribute to the healing and hope of children and families in need of changing the trajectory of their lives at this very crucial time. We are forever grateful to you. We could not be on this journey without your great help...

Over 85,000 youth and families have been served by The Children’s Lifesaving Foundation these past 28 years.Thank you for letting us continue to do this very important work right now...

Our love and best wishes to you for a safe, stable and healthy New Year together with your beautiful families,


We thank you from our hearts!


Our Partnership with the Amazing 310Tutors!


We'd Like to Introduce the CLF's "12 Days of Giving!"