Great News from the Open Hearts Foundation!

The Children’s Lifesaving Foundation is so pleased to announce that we are receiving a $10,000 matching grant from the Open Hearts Foundation, and we could not be more thrilled! This grant will allow CLF to further continue with its work with our CLF Step Forward Emergency Family Fund for COVID Relief, and we have until midnight on #GivingTuesday (November 29th this year) to do so!

As we all know, the economic effects of the COVID pandemic have been absolutely devastating, and the opportunity to raise an additional $10,000, for a total of $20,000, to support this program through the holiday season is so crucially important right now! The Open Hearts Foundation kicked-off our CLF Step Forward Emergency Family Fund in April of 2020 with a $25,000 matching grant, and another $10,000 matching grant lthe following year. Their support has been vital to the CLF’s ability to raiseg and distribute over $130,000 in direct funding and in-kind donations to underserved Los Angeles families and scholarships fro teens since the pandemic began. We are so grateful to Open Hearts Foundation co-founder Jane Seymour, its amazing Executive Director Trena Pitchford, and to their wonderful Board of Directors for this timely and generous fundraising opportunity.

*Your donation in any amount also enters you into a raffle to win a $100 Gift Card to Spruzzo's Restaurant (in Malibu and now in the Pacific Palisades!)  What are you WAITING for? Give today, just hit the button, below!

You can read more about the work of the Open Hearts Foundation right here