Thank You to GoodRx in Santa Monica for their Great Backpack Prep & Donation!

The sheer goodness of Holiday Giving is happening earlier this year than EVER! Our wonderful new friends at GoodRx in Santa Monica purchased and filled 120 backpacks for our Project Angel Wings holiday Program last week, and CLF could NOT be more grateful! Thank you SO much to Maggie, Andrew and their fantastic team there, who gathered for a whole afternoon to fill these backpacks with fun treats and lovely, hand-written notes to the very sweet kiddos who will be attending our holiday events this upcoming season this year. You guys are AWESOME! (And-If YOU, your company, school group or your own friends or fam would like to host a Toy Drive with CLF for the upcoming holiday season, please reach out to us! It is super-easy to set-up, and, truly so much FUN!)


Our community is really coming together this holiday season!


Let's Match This Grant by #GivingTuesday!