Spotlight On Educators at Camp for All: Emily of the Critter Squad Wildlife Defenders

Emily of the Critter Squad and their Wildlife Defenders Zoo are an AMAZING addition to Camp for All this year, and we were delighted with the results: Each day, Emily brought NINE live, lovely, wild animals and retiles, including: Plantain the ball python (!) an amazing tarantula, Maple the hedgehog, Hans the green iguana, an adorable ferret and guinea pig, and Cheeseburger and Whopper-a turtle and a tortoise, and w feel in love with ALL of them. Additionally, Emily let each camper touch the animals, and five brave children each day were allowed to handle and carry the tarantula-truly an extraordinary experience! (Our founder, Maria D’Angelo, even got a chance to overcome. great fear, and do this. too! :) We also learned a LOT about these animals along with the campers, including why Plantain is called a “ball” python (can you guess?) and how the animals are so much more scared of us, than we of them, and how to treat wildlife everywhere with the utmost respect. Thank you also to Jeffrey and his great team, who care for these wonderful animals each and every day. We loved hiring them season, and we know they will be back!


Spotlight On Educators at Camp for All: Alan Salazar-Chumash and Tatavian Elder, Author and Story-Teller


Spotlight On Educators at Camp for All: Autumn Chiklis-Author, Actor, Producer, Entrepreneur