Happy 2023! What's New for CLF this Year...

Happy New Year, everyone!

CLF had a truly extraordinary Holiday Season through our Project Angel Wings Holiday Program, and we have all of YOU to thank for it! Please check out and FOLLOW our Instagram to see how hard we, our partners & worked to deliver a wonderful holiday experience through huge gifts donations, and our wonderful Project Angel Wings Holiday Event for partner agency LA’s BEST on December 17th! Over 1400 toys were delivered and distributed to underserved children in LA County, and to agencies like Homeboy Industries, as well! In addition, thanks to the Open Hearts Foundation AND amazing friends who helped match their $10,000 grant, families in our Vita Network were gifted with $500 stipends through our Step Forward Emergency Family Fund. We were able to raise over $75,000 this past fall season, thanks to all of fantastic supporters and partners! We so appreciate all of you!

We are also SO excited for 2023! We have scholarship events happening, field trips coming up with new friends at the Gentle Barn, and we are getting ready for Camp for All 2023, which will be educational and FUN than ever, with an even larger focus on impactful marine education at our Camp for All: Eco Mariners’s Surf Camp! We will also be once again conducting our Camp for All Wilderness Camps in Calabasas, and have many more fun plans in the works-including-WAIT for it, our 30th Anniversary Gala this coming Fall (What?!)

Yes, the Children’s Lifesaving Foundation has been in successful; operation, nonstop, since 1993, and we know that 2023 is truly going to be our best year YET! Thank you ALL for your wonderful help, support and love…

(If you would like to donate to our programs, please go right HERE. To inquire about volunteering, just go HERE!

Happy New Year! And please check our 2022 Video Recap, below, too see what CLF and our partners and supporters accomplished in 2022!

#weloveyou xoxo


Join CLF at the MLK Jr. Westside Coalition's Community Involvement Fair on MLK Day & Check Out Their Other Great Programs to Celebrate Dr. King!


Thank you to the great companies & orgs sponsoring Toy Drives for CLF this Holiday Season!