Support Camp for All this Season!

Hello, friends! Help CLF send over 1,000 youth coming from historocally underserved neighborhoods in Los Angeles by donating to our CAMP FOR ALL PROGRAM! Camp for All has TWO wonderful components: Wilderness Camp & Surf Camp. It focusus on outdoor and marine education, mindfulness and writing workshops, fun and inspiring eco-art projects, awesome, traditional camp activities too, and live animal learning. Many of the youth served have or are experiencing actual houselessness within their family systems, and have little opportunty for experiences such as these. CLF's Camp for All Program is a FANTASTIC, FREE experience for all participating youth, and we are so grateful to all of our great friends for your wonderful support...

Let's help some fantastic children who do not have the opportunities for such to create amazing summer memories which we all greatly cherish, get a respite from their regular environment, and enjoy a fun, impactful camp experience! YAY!!!

Donation Levels: 

Become an ANGEL SPONSOR for $25,000+ & sponsor 100 Youth for One Week at Camp for All

$10,000 sponsors 50 Youth for One Week at Camp for All

$5,000 sponsors a GREAT DAY at  Camp for All

$1,000 sponsors 20 youth to attend

$500 sponsors  10 youth to attend for one day

$250 sponsors  5 youth to attend  for one day

$100 sponsors  2 youth to attend  for one day

$50 sponsors  1 child to attend  for one day

Thank you all so much, once again!


A Great Expansion of our CLF Coastal Eco-Mariners Surf Camp: Marine Education with RCD at Malibu Lagoon State Beach!


CLF is hiring for the summer months-AND-we need some GREAT CITs!