What A Great Summer with our Camp4All Program!

Surf Prep on July 18th Camp4All 2014-Photo by Kathy Yore

Surf Prep on July 18th Camp4All 2014-Photo by Kathy Yore

We just finished our 21st season of our Summer Camp4All Program! What a truly great summer! We want to thank Topson Downs, the City of Malibu, the Carrie Estelle Doheny Foundation, the Oder Family Foundation and so many other great friends for making this summer Camp4All Program happen once again this year! Also- special thanks to ALL of our great volunteers- including Alex Fields, David Keller (and friends!) Chantelle & her crew from Bridge to Skate, Kathy Yore, and brand new CIT-Vince Bovino- who was an absolute ROCK STAR! (Thank you, Vince!) Also-Ricardo & Tito- who were participants, but a great help this year, as well!)

At the end of June, CLF partnered with Anthony Marsh's Interfaith Inventions, and our teens (in our Vita Network & Care through College Program)  and his enjoyed an amazing week-long overnight camp in the Santa Monica Mountains at Camp Shalom- with teenagers of other faiths and religions. They zip-lined through the trees, went kayaking in Malibu, swam, played camp games, did cool crafts, swam, ate meals together- and by all accounts- had a REALLY amazing time!

Camp Shalom Interfaith Inventions Camp 2014 Collage

Camp Shalom Interfaith Inventions Camp 2014 Collage

In JULY,  CLF conducted our Camp4All Beach Day Program at Zuma Beach- where we served over 600 at-risk and homeless youth and families from A Place Called Home, Covenant House, Homeboy Industries, Para Los Ninos and Urban Compass. We swam in the ocean, surfed, boogie-boarded, ate a great lunch right on the beach, and did amazing SKATEBOARD crafts with Chantelle and her team from Bridge to Skate- who also gave away over 75 skateboard completes!(See more great PHOTOS HERE and HERE- and please LIKE our FB Page while you're at it!)

Great Group Camp4All Beach Photo-2014

Great Group Camp4All Beach Photo-2014

Malibu Times 2014 Camp4All Photo

Malibu Times 2014 Camp4All Photo

We all had a fantastic time, and it was wonderful to show this population of under-served the free, natural Southern California beauty and enrichment that is always available to them...We even received a special visit from our pals at the Malibu Times-who did this piece on our Camp4All 2014 Summer Program!

In the beginning of  August, we were kindly invited by Tim Harvey of the Leo Carillo Jr. Lifeguards for the second year in a row to join their LCJLG Surf Camp at Leo Carillo Heavens Beach! And "heavenly" it was! Tim's truly sweet. knowledgeable and compassionate team of young lifeguards taught the children and teens in our Vita Network Program to surf (or brush up their skills from last year!) boogie board and swim for HOURS! We also ate delish lunches on the sand with the rest of the campers, and had a truly relaxing AND invigorating time!

Leo Carillo Jr. Lifeguard Surf Camp Collage #1 2014

Leo Carillo Jr. Lifeguard Surf Camp Collage #1 2014

Check out our brand new camper Rocio P, learning to surf for the VERY FIRST TIME! And she DID it- getting up on that board, several times over the week!

Rocio Padilla Surfing Collage from Surf Camp 2014 at Leo Carillo Jr. LG Camp!Collage

Rocio Padilla Surfing Collage from Surf Camp 2014 at Leo Carillo Jr. LG Camp!Collage

THANK YOU, everyone, for a TRULY amazing summer!


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