The Holidays Are Coming: Get Your Company Involved!
Happy Halloween & THANK YOU Classic Kids Photography in Santa Monica!
EventsFrancescaclassic kids, classic kids santa monica, classic kids santa monica photography fundraiser, photo mini-shoot fundraiser, mini-shoot fundraiser, fundraiser, halloween, santa monica, montana avenue, social good, fundraising
Thank You to the Rite Aid Foundation!
EventsFrancescarite aid, rite aid foundation, tracy henderson, gayle rife, carluca, roluca, Kidcents, kidscents, round up, kids champ, kid's champ, kidschamp, Kids champ award, maria d'angelo, maria d'angelo is a kids champ, maria, CLF
Save the Date!
Help Support the CLF's New Winter Wilderness Camps This Season!
Camp for AllFrancescawinter wilderness, winter wilderness camps, winter camps, clf winter wilderness camps, camp fro all, Camp for All, camp for all, fundraising drive, online fundraiser, winter wilderness camp fundraiser, fundraiser, raise funds, camp, King Gillette Ranch
Host a Great Field Trip with Experiential LA & Your Group, Class, Small Business or Company!
Experiential L.A.Francescagetty, Getty Museum, getty museum trip, getty museum, experiential LA, field trips, experiential, Field Trips, sponsor a field trip, corporate sponsorship, company sponsorship, group sponsorship
We Need YOU to Come & Speak with CLF Youth! #DreamMentors
Care through CollegeFrancescadream mentor, dream mentors, mentor, dream, Lucas Gray, cartoonist, the simpsons, Care through College, care through college, tbt, dreammentors
A Great Labor Day Weekend at the Malibu Chili Cook-Off!
EventsFrancescamalibu, Malibu Chili Cook-Off, 2019 malibu chili cook-off, Boys and Girls Club of Malibu, the boys and girls club of malibu, BGCM, bgcm, bgcmmalibuchilicookoff, carnival, surf board raffle, douglas elliman, paige, official charity, charity partners
Our Founder is being honored by LA's BEST as a "Children's Champion" on November 3rd-Join us!
Great Backpack Give-Away at LA's BEST & Telfair Elementray-THANK YOU, Capital One Cafe in Santa Monica!
Care through CollegeFrancescabackpackdrive2019, back pack drive, backpacks, backpack, backpack drive, backtoschool, summer backpack drive 2019, capital one cafe, capital one, Capital One, Martin, Winnie, Ashley, LA's BEST, la's best, telfair elementary, telfair, Telfair, Pacoima, Amber, michael, eric, sylvia
More great photos from CLF’s August 18th Malibu Summer Bash by Tim Horton Photography
EventsFrancescatim horton, tim horton photography, august 18th, malibu summer bash, photos, Casa Escobar, casa escobar, pledge and plunge fiesta, malibu, event, event photos
CLF's Malibu Summer Bash in the Malibu Times!
Join CLF at IRON Fitness Santa Monica Member Appreciation Day-Sat 8/24-and win a free membership!
EventsFrancescaIron Fitness, iron fitness, iron, iron gym, santa monica, iron fitness member appreciation day, 2019, august 24th 2019, silent auction, raffle, charity recipient
A GREAT time was had by all at our Malibu Summer Bash on August 18th!
EventsFrancescaCasa Escobar Malibu, casa escobar malibu, Casa Escobar, casa escobar, samsung, Samsung, Samsung Mobile, Samsung US, Thi Nguyen, thi, malibu bash, pledge and plunge fiesta, plunge and pledge, clf pledge and plunge
The CLF is thrilled to be named an Official Charity Partner of the BGCM's Malibu Chili Cook-Off
Actor Michael Chiklis is Hosting the CLF's Malibu Summer Bash!
EventsFrancescasummer bash, clf summer bash, clf bash, summer bashchiklis, michael chiklis, lenny goldsmith, lenny goldsmith and the new, August 18th 2019, Casa Escobar, Casa Escobar Malibu, casa escobar, casa escobar malibu, lenny, pledge and plunge fiesta
EventsFrancescapledge and plunge, clf pledge and plunge, The CLF Pledge and Plunge, plunge, pledge, plunge and pledge, donate to pledge and plunge, donate, viral fundraiser, online fundraiser, water fundraiser
Come Celebrate the Summer with CLF at Casa Escobar with CLF & Lenny Goldsmith & the New Old!
EventsFrancescamalibu summer bash, summer bash, casa escobar, Casa Escobar, pledge and plunge fiesta, Elyse and hector ortiz family foundation, li lavine, malibu, malibu party, lenny goldsmith and the new old, leslie martinez