Giovanni De Leon + Amazing Surf Therapists= AWESOMENESS

The CLF has been fortunate to be able to hire and partner with the Might Underdogs Surf Therapists and Instructors for over seven years now…(!) Please do yourself a beautiful favor, and scroll through to the last video: Giovanni de Leon -who has been a part of our full range of programs and our Vita Network since he was a very young boy (and who also has CP-cerebral palsy) got to SURF at Zuma Beach last weekend-and we could not be more proud of him!!! Thank you SO MUCH to all who made this event happen in our lives, and Gio’s-happen- all pictured above! We ❤️ you guys, and GIO-YOU ARE AMAZING!) (Thank you also so much to Create Now volunteer Nick Zakari and CLF Program Director Sean McCaffery -for helping Gio get ready to go on the beach) Please check out Gio’s Instagram at @popping_wheelies1 ) He is a wonderful activist for the “differently-abled” community, and is also a highly positive, awesome human being (and check out the pics and video, below!) ❤️❤️❤️🏄🏾‍♂️🌊


Thank You to CREATE NOW !


Summer Surf Camp for All is Back!