Thank You to CREATE NOW !

We want to thank our partners and friends @createnowarts -who not only recently supplied CLF with amazing art supplies and materials, but also introduced us also to a fantastic new volunteer @nickzakari ! Thank you, Nick, for bringing a wonderful art project on the beach for our campers at #CampforAll- and many thanks to Lola and the cool staff at Create Now Arts for arranging this! CLF has valued and worked with Create Now Arts as a community partner for over a decade now -they have also provided wonderful field trip tickets and cultural opportunities to plays, the circus, the ballet and concerts in Los Angeles for our Vita Network families for years, and we are so grateful to them :-)! ❤️👍🥰


Thank You to Greg and Yunnie Morena for their donation of Backpacks to our Summer Drive!


Giovanni De Leon + Amazing Surf Therapists= AWESOMENESS